Beyond Numbers - Empowering Business Owners Through Tax Planning!


Are you a Tax Professional? CPA? Enrolled Agent (EA)? Tax Attorney? Accountant?

Do you have profound thoughts that you want the world to read?

Do you want to become a bestselling author?

Do you want to expand your brand?

Are you looking to get more media exposure?

Do you want to increase your speaking opportunities?

If you said “YES” to any of the above questions, then this is the book collaboration for YOU.

My First Book

I remember when I wrote my first book. I was so excited but I honestly didn’t know there were so many steps involved in the process. I had no idea what it would take to turn my book into a reality. As I stumbled through the process, I not only learned about the publishing industry, I also saw how my story affected others and created dialogue about money and finances.

By writing my book, I boosted my credibility and established myself as an expert in the industry. People began coming to me for information and requesting me to speak at meetings and events. The content in my book was the catalyst for more and more people wanting to work with me, both as an expert in the field and as a Tax & Accounting Strategist.

Over the years, I have started numerous books that were put to the side as the competing demands of family, work, and life took priority. My solution was to develop a theme, write a chapter, and have others join in and share their stories. I researched a number of collaborative projects and different ways people are joining together to share their stories so I can offer a collaboration using the best practices and tested techniques for using your book to promote your business and/or cause.

Each Contributing Author Will Receive

  • Word count 3000 maximum/2000 minimum
  • Documents MUST be submitted as a Word doc.  (PDF or Google Docs will NOT be accepted).
  • One 100-150 word autobiography
  • One professionally designed marketing graphic for Book Release 
  • One professional picture placed in book with a biography
  • Virtual Bestseller Launch
  • Copies of the Book
  • Paperback Publishing – Selection by Compiler
  • Professional Editing – Selection by Compiler
  • Interior Book Design
  • 100% US Copyright
  • Chapter Proof
  • Writing – 2 Coaching Sessions (How To Write a Winning Chapter)
  • Paperback ISBN, LCCN & Barcode
  • Project Development (Compiler)
  • Project Management (Compiler)
  • Full-Color Cover
  • Promotional Graphics for Virtual Book Launch
  • Full Manuscript Development & Layout
  • Press release announcing the release of the book
  • Interviews (2)
  • Authors Landing Page**
  • Author Press Release**
  • Author Featured in National Magazine**
  • And much, much more!

This is your time!


March 18, 2024 – Contract Due Date

May 3, 2024 – Manuscript Due

May 20, 2024 – Professional Headshots Due

May 20, 2024 – Bio Due

May 20, 2024 – Social Medial Handles Due

Jun 10, 2024 – Proofs Return to Co-Author

Jun 24, 2024 – Proof Due to Editor

Pass The Cast – TBD

Late Sept 2024 – Book Launch

Take a moment to complete the information below and our team will be in touch.


Yes, with any self-published book, you will incur the expense of publishing. Being a contributor, your investment is only a portion of the cost of publishing and promotions. We handle every aspect of publishing, including editing, proofreading and design work. We offer book marketing materials, and you will be included in book press releases, media interviews (if applicable), and lots of social media.

The greatest thing is that while you don’t have to worry about writing a whole book, you still enjoy full benefits and experience the journey of a published author.

Even the best editors miss things at times and in those cases we make the corrections at no cost to you however if you decide that you don’t like your writing and wish to make changes there is a fee of $ 100 to do so and it can only be done once.

Yes, we provide a lot of publicity to our authors!

We will include your face on multiple promotional flyers, the press release, media interviews, and lots of social media.

Additional print copies are typically available within 3-5 weeks after the book launches.

Author fees are ONLY given if the book is never published.

If you fail to meet the deadlines or fail to turn in your chapter content, then you will forfeit your opportunity to become an author with this project, and NO refunds will be given.